The group’s activities are spread among three laboratories in the Department of Civil Engineering. Each laboratory is equipped with all of the state-of-the-art analytical equipment needed to conduct leading edge research.
- Wastewater Laboratory
- Drinking Water Laboratory
- Hydrodynamics Research Laboratory
The group also has access to laboratories operated by collaborating researchers that include:
- Advanced Oxidation Laboratory (Chemical Engineering), and
- Advanced Materials Processing Laboratory (Materials Engineering).
Pilot-Scale Facility
In addition to facilities for laboratory and bench scale research, the group has access to pilot scale membrane bio-reactor and conventional treatment systems.
- Staging Environmental Research Centre
This pilot scale facility located at UBC Vancouver campus allows conducting research in pilot scale membrane bio-reactor or conventional treatment system under various process conditions (e.g. conventional and biological nutrient removal).
Pilot scale testing in collaboration with Metro Vancouver and industrial collaborators.
Full-Scale Facilities at Collaborating Municipalities
Two nearby municipalities that have implemented membrane treatment processes, are actively involved with ongoing research projects. These full scale facilities provide opportunities to validate approaches and models developed at laboratory and bench scale. The full scale facilities include: